
India – South East Asia: A Cultural Connect

Ram Madhav, August 14, 2019

Text of Shri Ram Madhav’s Keynote Address at the Seminar on “India – South East Asia: A Cultural Connect” Indians have largely forgotten that they had a vast area of influence over the territories of South East Asia in the first millennium of the current era until some European scholars, like French scholars George Coedes and Sylvain […]

BJP’s Political and Geopolitical Agenda for India

Ram Madhav, August 13, 2019

Text of Shri Ram Madhav’s Address at an interaction organised by Gateway House in Mumbai on August 13, 2019 Friends Namaskar to all of you, I want to start by saying ‘We are back’. We came back with a big majority, and we are back in power to run the country for the next five […]

5th International Dharma Dhamma Conference: Sat-Chit-Ananda and Nirvana

Ram Madhav, August 5, 2019

Text of Keynote address delivered at the 5th International Dharma Dhamma Conference at Nalanda University, Rajgir, Bihar on July 27, 2019 Alexander was on his way when he bumped into Diogenes, a naked monk resting nonchalantly by the beach. Soldiers woke him up asking to give way to Alexander The Great. Diogenes laughed out loud. […]

World Peace Conference

Ram Madhav, June 19, 2019

Text of address delivered at the World Peace Conference at Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya (University) in Ayutthaya, Thailand on June 16, 2019 Om! Sangachadhwam Samvadadhwam – Samvo Manaamsi Jaanataam Devaabhaagam Yathaapurve – Sanjaanaanaa Upaasate May we move in harmony; speak in one voice; Let our minds be in agreement; Samaano Mantrah Samitih Samaani – Samaanam Manas Sahachittameshaam Samaanam […]

Striding the Path towards a New India – The imperatives of Modi again

Ram Madhav, March 4, 2019

Text of Shri Ram Madhav’s address on “Striding a path towards a New India – The imperatives of Modi again” on March 03, 2019 organised by Forum for free thinkers, Hyderabad Chapter Bharatiya Janta Party Telangana state president Dr Laxman, City President Shri Ramchandra Rao Garu, all the party leaders on the dais, eminent intellectuals […]

Indian Strategic Thought: From Kautilya to Modi

Ram Madhav, February 19, 2019

Text of address delivered at Kautilya Fellows Programme hosted by India Foundation on February 18, 2019 My topic is India’s strategic thought from Kautilya to Modi. One very important question that at the very outset I want to raise is as to whether India has had a strategic thought, ever. Scholars have opined differently. Some […]

Yugaantar 2019

Ram Madhav, January 25, 2019

Text of speech delivered at Yugaantar 2019 organised by Maharaja Sayyajirao University, Vadodara on January 25, 2019 Honorable Vice-chancellor, Madam Director, Registrar Sir, all the distinguished members of the university faculty and my dear young friends, Jigar has indirectly hinted that I’m coming again and again. I promise you that this will be my last visit to […]

National Convention of BJP SC Morcha

Ram Madhav, January 19, 2019

Text of Shri Ram Madhav’s address at the National Convention of BJP SC Morcha on January 19, 2019 in Nagpur, Maharashtra अनुसूचित जाति मोर्चा के राश्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री विनोद सोनकर जी, केंद्रीय मंत्री आदरणीय थावर चंद्र जी, राश्ट्रीय महासचिव श्री भूपेंद्र यादव जी, राश्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष श्री दुश्यंत गौतम जी, सह-संगठन मंत्री मान्यवर सतीष जी, पार्टी […]

First Atal Bihari Vajpayee Memorial Lecture

Ram Madhav, December 26, 2018

Text of speech delivered at the First Atal Bihari Vajpayee Memorial Lecture in Bengaluru on 16 December 2018, organised by Thinkers’ Forum Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a multi-faceted genius – a committed politician, an outstanding parliamentarian, a successful Prime Minister, a journalist, a poet, an orator par excellence, a true party karyakarta, a disciplined Swayamsevak, […]