Ram Madhav

#BRICS2017 – The Advent of BRICS Era

Ram Madhav, June 15, 2017

The Advent of BRICS Era ADDRESS AT THE INAUGURAL SESSION OF BRICS POLITICAL PARTIES, THINK TANKS AND CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS FORUM Fuzhou City, China on 11 June, 2017. Namaskar! Excellencies, distinguished leaders from the BRICS and other countries, ladies and gentlemen! Greetings from the government and people of India! Let me at the very outset […]

Decoding a blast (Editorial – Indian Express)

Ram Madhav, June 15, 2017

Decoding  a Blast The timing and location of the latest attack in Kabul may be significant. The dots can be joined to the Haqqani Network   Exactly a decade after 9/11, on September 11, 2011, a truck pulled up next to the US military base in Wardak province in eastern Afghanistan. Within minutes, there was […]

India’s most trusted (Editorial – Indian Express)

Ram Madhav, June 15, 2017

http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/narendra-modi-government-third-anniversary-indias-most-trusted-4675577/ In three years, the nation has seen the prime minister and his team work towards a new vision Three years is not enough for any government to transform a nation; but it is enough to judge if the direction is right. Three years of the Narendra Modi government clearly demonstrate that the direction is […]


Ram Madhav, June 15, 2017

http://organiser.org/Encyc/2017/5/22/2229177.aspx Old Karyakartas of the Jan Sangh time till 1990 in Assam were felicitated at a function in Guwahati. Over 300 old Karyakartas attended the event In a way it is a departure from the usual practice. It is an event hosted by the BJP to felicitate old party workers. It is well known that both […]

Turning down China (Editorial – Indian Express)

Ram Madhav, June 15, 2017

http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/turning-down-china-one-belt-one-road-4659155/ Turning down China But India’s staying away from the OBOR mega show will not affect bilateral relations adversely   Belt and Road is China’s most ambitious initiative in history. Popularly known as One Belt One Road (OBOR), this infrastructure project of gigantic proportions attempts to bring under its sway more than 60 countries, from […]

Indian Womanhood: A Civilisational Perspective

Ram Madhav, May 9, 2017

Indian Womanhood: A Civilisational Perspective Mahatma Gandhi once said that for him true independence meant a day when a woman can go out on to the streets alone at midnight and roam around freely. Generally, it is understood as a statement with respect to the safety of women. It indeed was. For Gandhiji, security and […]

Full Transcript of the interview on CNN News18

Ram Madhav, April 21, 2017

Full Transcript of the interview on CNN News18 Courtesy – CNN News18 Architect of the BJP-PDP alliance government in Jammu and Kashmir, Ram Madhav speaks to CNN-News18‘s Shreya Dhoundial about the situation in the Valley. The BJP general secretary talks about the violence during the by-poll in Srinagar constituency, and justifies the controversial video in […]

#TOIEditPage Three years down the line from 2014 Lok Sabha elections, BJP has emerged as the only true pan-national party

Ram Madhav, April 16, 2017

Courtesy – Times of India http://blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/toi-edit-page/three-years-down-the-line-from-2014-lok-sabha-elections-bjp-has-emerged-as-the-only-true-pan-national-party/ BJP is riding high on its recent successes, both in elections to state assemblies in February-March 2017 and in by-elections held this week to 10 assembly seats in eight states. Generally speaking, except for the three states of Bihar, Delhi and Punjab, BJP has been on a winning spree […]