Ram Madhav

In Sita’s Footsteps

Ram Madhav, May 2, 2020

Her lifetime sufferings changed the way the world perceives woman’s strength Whereas the country has celebrated Ram Navami, the birth anniversary of Ram in the first week of April, one region spread across India and Nepal—Mithilanchal—prefers to celebrate Sita Navami, the birth anniversary of Sita, which falls on May 2nd this year. Sita is the […]

India is safe for all Indians, across all faiths

Ram Madhav, May 1, 2020

Just as Maulana Saad doesn’t represent all Muslims, a few rants against Muslims don’t represent Indian society At the dawn of the enlightenment era in Europe, traditionalists were divided into two camps. One camp believed that universal laws are unchangeable and hence they should be considered supreme. The other camp of traditionalists insisted that since […]

Unedited version: A new line of action

Ram Madhav, April 30, 2020

Hundred years ago, there were no visas and passports for people to travel in Europe, America and their colonies. Then came the First World War and things changed. Countries turned inwards and national boundaries became rigid. Economic stagnation and recession followed. Nationalism turned into ultra-nationalism and led to another World War. After the Second World […]

A new line of action

Ram Madhav, April 30, 2020

It is time for a new Atlantic Charter: Environment, healthcare, technology and democratic liberalism can be its foundations. One hundred years ago, there were no visas and passports for people to travel in Europe, America and their colonies. Then came World War I and things changed — national boundaries became rigid. Economic stagnation, and recession […]

કોરોના વાઇરસ : ‘રોગચાળાનો સામનો કરવામાં વડા પ્રધાન નરેન્દ્ર મોદીની નમૂનેદાર કામગીરી’ – દૃષ્ટિકોણ

Ram Madhav, April 23, 2020

વર્ષ 1914 પહેલાં યુરોપ, અમેરિકા અને તેની વસાહતોમાં જવા માટે કોઈ વીઝા, પાસપૉર્ટની જરૂર પડતી ન હતી. પછી પહેલું વિશ્વ યુદ્ધ થયું અને સંજોગો બદલાઈ ગયા. દેશોએ પોતપોતાનો પ્રદેશ આંકી લીધો અને રાષ્ટ્રીય સરહદોની રેખાઓ તણાઈ ગઈ. એ પછી આર્થિક તંગી અને મંદીનો દૌર શરૂ થયો. રાષ્ટ્રવાદની ભાવના અતિ-રાષ્ટ્રવાદની ચરમસીમા પર પહોંચી ગઈ અને તે […]

కరోనావైరస్: ‘చైనాలో అధికార సంఘర్షణ రావొచ్చు… కొత్త ప్రపంచ వ్యవస్థలో భారత్‌ది ముఖ్య పాత్ర’ – అభిప్రాయం

Ram Madhav, April 23, 2020

నూట పదేళ్ల క్రితం అమెరికా, యూరప్, వాటి వలస రాజ్యాలకు వెళ్లేందుకు వీసాలు, పాస్‌పోర్ట్‌లు ఏవీ ఉండేవి కావు. కానీ, ఆ తర్వాత వచ్చిన మొదటి ప్రపంచ యుద్ధంతో పరిస్థితులు మారిపోయాయి. దేశాలు మూసుకుపోయాయి. వాటి సరిహద్దులు బలపడ్డాయి. ఆ తర్వాత ఆర్థిక మందగమనం, మాంద్యం వచ్చాయి. జాతీయవాదం అతిజాతీయవాదంగా మారి మరో ప్రపంచ యుద్దానికి దారితీసింది. అనంతరం దేశాలు ఒకదానితో ఒకటి అనుసంధానమైన, ఆధారపడ్డ, సంస్థాగతమైన అంతర్జాతీయ వ్యవస్థను మనం నిర్మించుకున్నాం. కొన్ని ఒడిదుడుకులు ఎదురైనా, […]

कोरोना वायरस: महामारी से निपटने में दुनिया के सामने पीएम मोदी ने पेश की मिसाल- नज़रिया

Ram Madhav, April 23, 2020

साल 1914 से पहले यूरोप, अमरीका और इनके उपनिवेशों में जाने के लिए किसी वीज़ा, पासपोर्ट की जरूरत नहीं होती थी. फिर पहला विश्व युद्ध हुआ और हालात बदल गए. देशों ने अपने को समेट लिया और राष्ट्रीय सीमाएं कठोर हो गईं. इसके बाद आर्थिक तंगी और मंदी का दौर शुरू हुआ. राष्ट्रवाद का भाव […]

Coronavirus | COVID-19 may change election scene forever

Ram Madhav, April 20, 2020

Digital campaigning may replace big rallies; handbills and pamphlets are likely to return The COVID-19 outbreak has put India’s electoral calendar on the back burner. The absence of a vaccine or therapeutic intervention against the disease has necessitated a long period of physical distancing and sanitary measures, all of which, say experts, will change the […]

Covid-19 and the contours of a new world order | Analysis

Ram Madhav, April 14, 2020

The world will be more integrationist than isolationist. India can play a key role in creating new institutions The world is grappling with the coronavirus pandemic. People are dying in large numbers. Health care and the economy are under severe stress. Countries are turning inwards, closing borders, to protect their people. As historian Yuval Noah […]

PM Modi has deftly drafted people into the fight against pandemic

Ram Madhav, April 7, 2020

Modi has not called the army onto the streets. He has not denied people any fundamental human rights. The lockdown instructions were largely voluntary and for the public good Viktor Orban felt that the Parliament impeded his fight against COVID-19. The prime minister of Hungary used the majority he enjoys in the parliament to secure emergency […]