(The text of interview was originally published by Hindol Sengupta of Global Order on January 22, 2022. Views expressed are personal.) In this set of questions-and-answers with the Global Order editorial team, the Hindutva scholar and India Foundation board member Ram Madhav argues that Hindutva is essentially a non-Western worldview which has an oft-ignored embedded egalitarianism. […]
Ram Madhav
To cry persecution in Missionaries of Charity’s FCRA licence row is to give in to victimhood politics
(The article was originally published in Indian Express on January 19, 2022. Views expressed are personal.) On October 30 last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Pope Francis at the Vatican, a meeting that Modi called “very warm”, and the Vatican described as “cordial”. The PM later tweeted that he had invited the Pope to […]
The Long Game – China’s Grand Strategy to Displace American Order
(The Book Review was originally published by Chintan – India Foundation Blogs on January 15, 2022. Views expressed are personal.) In July last year, China conducted the successful test-firing of a nuclear-capable ‘hypersonic’ missile, which, running at seven times the speed of sound, had entered low-earth orbit, circled the entire globe, and returned to hit […]
The significance of delimitation in J&K
(Text of the article originally published by Hindustan Times on January 10, 2022. Views expressed are personal.) The recommendations of the Justice Ranjana Desai-led commission about the delimitation of the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Union Territory (UT) have left leaders in Kashmir fuming. The commission has, after prolonged deliberations, recommended 47 seats for Kashmir and 43 seats […]
Hindutva: The balance between pride and anger
(Text of the article originally published in India Today Magazine on January 8, 2021. Views expressed are personal.) On the new year day, Mohan Bhagwat, Sarsanghachalak of the RSS addressed a gathering of eminent citizens in Bengaluru. He was there not to talk about Hindu Rashtra or about Hindus Muslim relations, but about ‘Paryavaran’ – environment. […]
The Hindutva Paradigm
Integral Humanism and the Quest for a Non-Western Worldview Seven decades ago, a new global order had emerged. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic rages across the planet, those older ways of being are under unprecedented stress. Already, a new world order is taking shape—one that will put long-standing agenda items like trade, commerce and defence […]
Because India Comes First
Reflections on Reflections on Nationalism, Identity and Culture Because India Comes First also delves into the decisions made by the BJP-led government over the last few years, diplomatic relationships with India’s neighbours and the confrontations with China. Madhav enquires into Indian policymaking and asserts that, going ahead, it must put India first. He calls out […]
Uneasy Neighbours
This book deals with the history of the 1962 War and highlights India’s failure to understand her neighbour well. India continues to suffer from the same deficiency, as she continues to trend the path she had tread before the war. The book proposes that the two countries will remain fierce competitors and hence it is […]
Human Rights in Eastern Civilisations: Some Reflections of a Former UN Special Rapporteur
Ended 2021 with three books – but decided to talk about only two. The third, which I could finish in just a week’s time, was undoubtedly a gripping and interesting read since it was about espionage. Spy stories, like Bond movies, are thrillers. They are full of heroism, adventurism, and suspense. Obviously, they will be […]
Time to develop a model for management of Hindu temples
It is time we developed a model for management of Hindu temples wherein the greater responsibility is vested in the Hindu citizens and institutions. Kashi is an ancient city, “older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend” as American writer Mark Twain described it. Sage Vyasa had compiled the Vedas sitting on the […]